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Keep Smiling Calligraphy Nib Set 7 Pcs


  • 1 lacquered wooden handle
  • 7 calligraphy nibs: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, N2 (right oblique), Z2 (left oblique).
  • Plastic Case for nibs
  • Ergonomic handle: easy and comfortable to use during long and short projects
  • Suitable for all calligraphic writing styles including Roman Round Hand, Italic, Gothic and Uncial
  • High ink capacity nibs
  • Made from hard wearing sprung steel

1 lacquered wooden handle 7 calligraphy nibs: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, N2 (right oblique), Z2 (left oblique). Plastic Case for nibs Ergonomic handle: easy and comfortable to use during long and short projects Suitable for all calligraphic writing styles including Roman Round Hand, Italic, Gothic and Uncial High ink…

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