Kw Serial Numbering Machine 20700

Introducing the KW Serial Numbering Machine 20700: a versatile tool for precise numbering tasks. With its seven-wheel design and seven movements, it offers flexibility for various numbering needs, including consecutive, duplicate, triplicate, and more.

  • Brand: KW-Trio
  • Product Code : 2070
  • Wheel:Seven wheel/02070
  • Movement setting:Seven movements
  •  Self-inking after every impression for easy operation.
  •  Special feature allows you to print only the numbers required.
  •  Quality metal construction for constant use and long life.

Wheel:Seven wheel/02070
‧ Movement setting:Seven movements
‧ Self-inking after every impression for easy operation.
‧ Special feature allows you to print only the numbers required.
‧ Quality metal construction for constant use and long life.
‧ Seven movements to number consecutive, duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate,sextuplicate, repeat and 12 times.
‧ Drop-cypher feature is available to drop any wheel from printing.

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